Our Vision
To provide community and care to those who protect and serve others through rest, recovery, and celebration.
Our Mission
Jubilee’s Hope seeks to restore and rejuvenate the battle weary - to join together for fun, to contend for freedom, and to rest body and soul.
Core Values
Jesus – We will follow the leading of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in all that we do. We will believe for the impossible and fervently pray in all matters.
The Table – We believe that relationships are built and sustained around the table. Having a table open to any and all is key to seeing God’s kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven.
Community – We recognize that we cannot and should not do life alone. We need and value each other. It’s time to lock shields.
Fun – We will seek joy in all things and play as hard as we work!
Freedom – We believe it is the Father’s heart that we be set free. We are not meant to carry heavy burdens, especially those things outside of our control. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!
Badass – We will feel the fear and do it anyway!